“Our Father”

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Psalm 136
Hope Group Sermon Discussion Questions
This week we are asking all the groups to spend more of a focused time in prayer. Please feel free to use the list and prompts to guide your prayer time. 
1. Pray with confession and supplication in mind for your group and for our church. (Read through and use Psalm 51 as a guide to help
2. Pray to simply praise and adore our God. (Read through and use Psalm 66 as a guide to help prompt your prayers)
3. Pray for the authorities in our land to reward the good and punish the evil. Pray for our government on all levels. (NH State government: Gov. Sununu, our senators and representatives if you know them by name for your town or just for the Jaffrey Reps: Richard Ames, Douglas Ley; State Senator Jeanne Dietsch)
4. Pray for our church: (pray for our elders, pray for our deacons, pray for volunteers, pray for spiritual growth, pray for community outreach, pray we see more salvations and baptisms, pray for maturity and unity among our body, pray for future direction and insight regarding space constraints on our current building, pray for wisdom in all these areas and God’s grace to fill his church and spill out into the community)
5. Pray for specific requests: (use this space to write down some of your own)