Luke | Part 3
Winter/Spring 2021
Apr 18, 2021
“Sunday Evening”
By: Jordan Moody
Series: Luke Part 3- Save the Lost
APRIL 18,2021 / LUKE 24:36-53
The Materialization of the Resurrection
The Tangibility of the Resurrection
The Fulfillment of the Resurrection
The Mission of the Resurrection
The Power of the Resurrection
APRIL 18,2021 / LUKE 24:36-53
What do you learn from Jesus’ prayer for Peter? Why do you
think he singles Peter out? What does he instruct Peter to do? Why?
(Luke 22:31-34)
What are the implications of a bodily resurrection? Why would
this be important?
Build on your answers from question two by looking at what 1
John 1:1-4; Phil. 3:20-21, 1 John 3:2; and 1 Cor. 15:49, 1 Thess. 4:13-
18 say about the importance of a bodily resurrection and physical
appearance of Jesus?
Compare and read Luke 24:44-53 and Acts 1:1-11 together?
What’s the significance of the Ascension?
Why do you think Jesus opened up their minds to understand the
Scripture? What do you think this means and how have you possibly
experienced this today? How does the Holy Spirit assist in this today?
(Luke 24:45)
- Apr 18, 2021“Sunday Evening”
Apr 18, 2021“Sunday Evening”By: Jordan MoodySeries: Luke Part 3- Save the LostSERMON NOTESAPRIL 18,2021 / LUKE 24:36-53SUNDAY EVENINGThe Materialization of the ResurrectionThe Tangibility of the ResurrectionThe Fulfillment of the ResurrectionThe Mission of the ResurrectionThe Power of the ResurrectionHOPE SMALL GROUP QUESTIONSAPRIL 18,2021 / LUKE 24:36-53SPEAKER: PASTOR JORDAN MOODYQ1:What do you learn from Jesus’ prayer for Peter? Why do youthink he singles Peter out? What does he instruct Peter to do? Why?(Luke 22:31-34)Q2:What are the implications of a bodily resurrection? Why wouldthis be important?Q3:Build on your answers from question two by looking at what 1John 1:1-4; Phil. 3:20-21, 1 John 3:2; and 1 Cor. 15:49, 1 Thess. 4:13-18 say about the importance of a bodily resurrection and physicalappearance of Jesus?Q4:Compare and read Luke 24:44-53 and Acts 1:1-11 together?What’s the significance of the Ascension?Q5:Why do you think Jesus opened up their minds to understand theScripture? What do you think this means and how have you possiblyexperienced this today? How does the Holy Spirit assist in this today?(Luke 24:45)
- Apr 11, 2021“Sunday Afternoon”
- Mar 14, 2021“Thursday Night: Agony, Arrest, Denial”
Mar 14, 2021“Thursday Night: Agony, Arrest, Denial”By: Jordan MoodySeries: Luke Part 3- Save the Lost
- Feb 28, 2021“What is Greatness?”
Feb 28, 2021“What is Greatness?”By: Jordan MoodySeries: Luke Part 3- Save the Lost
FEBRUARY 28, 2021 / LUKE 22:24-38
Q1: What do you learn from Jesus’ prayer for Peter? Why do you think he singles Peter out? What does he instruct Peter to do? Why? (Luke 22:31-34)Q2: Examine Jesus’ “high priestly prayer” in John 17. What are Jesus’ greatest concerns for his disciples and his followers? What is on his mind just hours before he gets arrested?Q3: What is greatness? What is greatness according to the world’s kings? What is greatness according to God’s kingdom? How should we measure and value true greatness? (22:24-30)Q4: In what ways, can we grow to value and promote true greatness in God’s kingdom within our church community?Q5: What does a good leader look like according to Jesus? Is this the kind of leaders we elevate in the church? Is this the kind of leaders we look up too? Why or why not? - Feb 21, 2021“The Upper Room”
Feb 21, 2021“The Upper Room”By: Jordan MoodySeries: Luke Part 3- Save the Lost
FEBRUARY 21, 2021 / LUKE 22:1-23
Q1: Why do you think God has used the activity of sharing a meal to communicate his new covenant? What is God telling us about a meal like the Lord’s Supper and our relationship with God?Q2: Discuss the points (A-G) under the “Meaning of the Lord’s Supper.” Which one resonates with you the most and why?Q3: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are ordinances/sacraments of the church, both of which have been debated for centuries. Describe the differing views of the Lord’s Supper and how you have come to interpret the elements of the table.Q4: What is the New Covenant described by Jesus in Luke 22:20? As a group explore more facets of New Covenant by using Jeremiah 31:31-34 to help guide your understanding.Q5: Compare John 6:47-58 and Luke 22:19-20. What is Jesus saying and what is he not saying? - Feb 14, 2021“The Dress Rehearsal”
Feb 14, 2021“The Dress Rehearsal”By: Jordan MoodySeries: Luke Part 3- Save the LostQ1: What is your one takeaway from the sermon on Luke 21?Q2: Why would Jesus' words in Luke 21:6 be so shocking to Jews in the first century?Q3: How is Luke 21:9 actually encouraging to those who follow Jesus?What did it mean for those in the 1st century and what can we learn from this passage for us today?Q4: Luke 21:9 says they will be "put to death" but then in verse 18 it says, "not a hair of their head willperish." So what is Jesus talking about and what does he mean by this?Q5: How can we read Luke 21 and actually stay calm and look up instead of fret and worry about theseapocalyptic passages, talk of the "End Times" and the current state of our own nation?Q6: Nations rise and fall but what really will remain and last in the end? See 1 Corinthians 13:13 and how does this passageinform our lifestyle today?
- Jan 31, 2021“A Widow’s Mite”
Jan 31, 2021“A Widow’s Mite”By: Jordan MoodySeries: Luke Part 3- Save the LostSERMON NOTESJANUARY 31, 2020 / LUKE 20:41-21:4A WIDOWS MITE1. Who Am I? (Lk. 20:41-44)2. Beware of Scribes (Lk. 20:45-47)3. A Widows Mite (Lk. 21:1-4)HOPE SMALL GROUP QUESTIONSJANUARY 31, 2020 / LUKE 20:41-21:4SPEAKER: PASTOR JORDAN MOODYQ1:Why would Jesus ask the question in Luke 20:41 and 44? Whatis he saying about his identity, divinity, and authority by thisquestioning?Q2:List the areas and specific actions we are to beware ofregarding the scribes. How can we apply and beware of these sameactions in us today? (extra: Luke 14:7-11)Q3:What is meant by the phrase “devour widows’ houses?” Howdo we take advantage of the vulnerable, needy, and poor? Wherein our society do we see this happening and how can we as achurch counteract this? How can we practice true and purereligion? (James 1:27)Q4:N.T. Wright says, “Because God’s way of measuring reality isnot our way.” What do you think this means in regards to Luke21:1-4? How does God measure and what does he truly value?SERMON NOTESJANUARY 31, 2020 / LUKE 20:41-21:4A WIDOWS MITE1. Who Am I? (Lk. 20:41-44)2. Beware of Scribes (Lk. 20:45-47)3. A Widows Mite (Lk. 21:1-4)HOPE SMALL GROUP QUESTIONSJANUARY 31, 2020 / LUKE 20:41-21:4SPEAKER: PASTOR JORDAN MOODYQ1:Why would Jesus ask the question in Luke 20:41 and 44? Whatis he saying about his identity, divinity, and authority by thisquestioning?Q2:List the areas and specific actions we are to beware ofregarding the scribes. How can we apply and beware of these sameactions in us today? (extra: Luke 14:7-11)Q3:What is meant by the phrase “devour widows’ houses?” Howdo we take advantage of the vulnerable, needy, and poor? Wherein our society do we see this happening and how can we as achurch counteract this? How can we practice true and purereligion? (James 1:27)Q4:N.T. Wright says, “Because God’s way of measuring reality isnot our way.” What do you think this means in regards to Luke21:1-4? How does God measure and what does he truly value?
- Jan 24, 2021“Death and Taxes”
Jan 24, 2021“Death and Taxes”By: Jordan MoodySeries: Luke Part 3- Save the LostSERMON NOTESJANUARY 24, 2020 / LUKE 20:19-40DEATH AND TAXES1. Setting the Scene2. Taxes and Kingdoms (Lk. 20:19-26)3. Death and Resurrection (Lk. 20:27-40)HOPE SMALL GROUP QUESTIONSJANUARY 24, 2020 / LUKE 20:19-40SPEAKER: PASTOR JORDAN MOODYQ1:What is the difference between Pharisees, Herodians, andSadducees? What were they willing to unite over? (see Matt.22:15-16; Acts 23:6-9)Q2:How do we render to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God whatis God’s? What do you think Jesus is saying by this? Why did hegive an answer like this? (John 18:36; 1 Pet. 2:13-17; Rom. 6:13)Q3:What does it mean to give to God what belongs to him?Q4:What’s really going on through the big picture of Jesus enteringJerusalem at the end of Luke 19 through all of chapter 20? What isthe major point being made through this passage? (think abouttying all the individual stories into one point the author is makingabout Jesus)Q5:What do you find so encouraging about what Jesus says inLuke 20:37-38. Why is this so important to this story and thegospel?Q5:What do you find so encouraging about what Jesus says inLuke 20:37-38. Why is this so important to this story and thegospel?SERMON NOTESJANUARY 24, 2020 / LUKE 20:19-40DEATH AND TAXES1. Setting the Scene2. Taxes and Kingdoms (Lk. 20:19-26)
- Jan 17, 2021“Don’t Shoot the Messenger
Jan 17, 2021“Don’t Shoot the MessengerBy: Jordan MoodySeries: Luke Part 3- Save the LostLuke Part 1- The Son of Man (Galilee, 1-9)Luke Part 2- Came to Seek (On the road, 10-19)Luke Part 3- Save the Lost (Jerusalem, 20-24)1. Cleaning House and Taking Names Luke 19:45-482. Trick Questions With No Comment Luke 20:1-83. Don't Shoot the Messenger and Watch Your Step Luke20:9-18