May 17, 2020
“Praise. Know. Trust.”
By: Jordan Moody
Series: None
Pastor Jordan | Psalm 100:1-5 | “Praise. Know. Trust.”
1. List all the imperative commands in Psalm 100 and discuss the meaning of each
2. Consider the implications of this simple yet profound statement: “He is God”
(Psalm 100:3). What do we learn about God and about ourselves from this verse
and statement?
3. Consider and discussion the implications of this simple yet profound statement:
“the LORD is good” (Psalm 100:5). What can we learn from this verse?
- May 17, 2020“Praise. Know. Trust.”
May 17, 2020“Praise. Know. Trust.”By: Jordan MoodySeries: NonePastor Jordan | Psalm 100:1-5 | “Praise. Know. Trust.”QUESTIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY OR SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION1. List all the imperative commands in Psalm 100 and discuss the meaning of eachone.2. Consider the implications of this simple yet profound statement: “He is God”(Psalm 100:3). What do we learn about God and about ourselves from this verseand statement?3. Consider and discussion the implications of this simple yet profound statement:“the LORD is good” (Psalm 100:5). What can we learn from this verse?
- May 10, 2020“The Faces of the Church”
May 10, 2020“The Faces of the Church”By: Jordan MoodySeries: Mothers Day 2020Romans 16:1-27 | “The Faces of the Church”KEY VERSES: Romans 16:1-2 "I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a servant of the church atCenchreae, that you may welcome her in the Lord in a way worthy of the saints, and helpher in whatever she may need from you, for she has been a patron of many and of myselfas well."Romans 16:13 "Greet Rufus, chosen in the Lord; also his mother, who has been a mother tome as well."Mark 15:21 "And they compelled a passerby, Simon of Cyrene, who was coming in from thecountry, the father of Alexander and Rufus, to carry his cross."QUESTIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY OR SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION1. Consider compiling a list of all the different names of people and how Paul refersto them in Romans 16. (whether they be a servant, friend, fellow-worker,etc.)2. 2 Timothy 1:4-7 highlights the importance of entrusting the legacy of the gospel onto the next generation. Who can you list as the most influential people who taughtyou in the faith? Who can you list as the most important people you intend to passthe gospel and faith on to next?3. Discuss the possible connection points between Romans 16:13, Mark 15:21, Acts11:21, Acts 19:33. What do you draw and learn from these? (remember theserelational connections are plausible but cannot be totally proven)
- May 3, 2020“Robin Hood and the Waiting Room”
May 3, 2020“Robin Hood and the Waiting Room”By: Jordan MoodyPastor Jordan | Luke 19:11-27 | “Robin Hood and the Waiting Room”KEY VERSESLuke 19:10 For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.Luke 19:11 As they heard these things, he proceeded to tell a parable, because he wasnear to Jerusalem, and because they supposed that the kingdom of God was to appearimmediately.Luke 19:26 ‘I tell you that to everyone who has, more will be given, but from the one whohas not, even what he has will be taken away.'Luke 8:18 "Take care then how you hear, for to the one who has, more will be given, andfrom the one who has not, even what he thinks that he has will be taken away.”QUESTIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY OR SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION1. Compare the “Already/Not Yet” tension of the Kingdom of God through these twoverses: Luke 19:11-12 and Luke 17:20-22. Categorize and describe the 3 major groups of people mentioned in the parable ofthe Ten Minas.3. How is this parable similar and different from the parable of the talents in Matthew25?
- Apr 26, 2020“Rich Man. Blind Man. Short Man”
Apr 26, 2020“Rich Man. Blind Man. Short Man”By: Jordan MoodyPastor Jordan | Luke 18:18-19:10 | Rich Man. Blind Man. Short Man.Key verses and thoughts:Luke 18:18 - Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?Luke 18:41 What do you want me to do for you?Luke 18:25 For it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a richperson to enter the kingdom of God.Luke 19:10 For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.QUESTIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY OR SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION1. What are you holding on to and not willing to give up that could cause you to missout on following Jesus? (Rich man misses Jesus)2. Compare and contrast the two questions and scenarios in Luke 18:18 and Luke18:41. (Blind man sees Jesus)3. What is stopping you from truly seeing and receiving Jesus? (Short man sees andreceives Jesus)4. Why did Jesus really come? Luke 19:10 Refelct on the entire book of Luke in thisone verse.
- Apr 19, 2020“Parables on Persistence, Prayer and Pride“
Apr 19, 2020“Parables on Persistence, Prayer and Pride“By: Jordan MoodyPastor Jordan | Luke 18:1-17 | Parables on Persistence, Prayer and PrideQUESTIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY OR SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION IN YOUR HOMES: Maybe jump on a Zoom call or Facetime with friends and family from church and discuss the passage later on in the week. Here are some questions to spur on further discussion and study. 1. What have you prayed for in your life persistently and you've received an answer for? What are you currently praying for while still waiting on an answer?2. What if the answer to your prayer is "wait until I return" to dispense justice? What if God's answer to your prayer doesn't happen in the here and now and actually doesn't happen until the "Son of Man comes"? -Luke 18:183. In what ways do we, in our modern context, act just like the Pharisee in Luke 18:9-12?4. Summarize the posture and attitude we are to have in relation to God from this chapter? (Condense the parables down to a few characteristics of a true faithful believer.) What does a true believer look like and act like according to Luke 18:1-17? 5. Pray for our church during this uncertain time.
- Apr 12, 2020“Because He Lives”
- Apr 5, 2020“The Palm Sunday Road of Triumph and Tragedy”
- Mar 29, 2020“Jesus and Social Distancing”
- Mar 22, 2020“Wisdom for Walking with Jesus”
- Mar 15, 2020“Rich or Poor”
Mar 15, 2020“Rich or Poor”By: Jordan MoodyLuke 16:14-31Q1: What is the kingdom of God? Why Would it be important we understand and preach the kingdom of God? (vs.16)Q2: As a group come up with as many role reversals as you can in the passage. (Reversals could include details, characters, positions, appearance, contrasts, etc.)Q3: In what ways is Jesus the watershed for the Bible and all of time? What are some other major watershed moments in the Bible?Q4: Why do you think Luke 16:18 is included in this chapter? Does it seem out of place to you or how can you make sense of its inclusion?Q5: Discuss the parable of the rich man and Lazarus. Can you summarize the main point Jesus is teaching through the parable?
- Mar 8, 2020“God or Money”
Mar 8, 2020“God or Money”By: Jordan MoodyLuke 16:1-13Q1: Review the storyline of the dishonest parable? What questions do you have about the parable? Why do you think some say it can be challenging to understand? How do you understand it?Q2: How can a mindset for the future or lack thereof influence our management of wealth, time and money? Does the here and now really influence our future destination (eternal dwelling vs. 8)?Q3: What different applications can we draw out from this parable (1-13)? Can you summarize it all with one major conclusion from it all?Q4: In what ways do we serve money and how instead could we serve God with our money?Q5: Now quickly examine/scan the rest of chapter 16. How do the next verses 14-31 generally add what Jesus has been teaching so far? Why do you think Luke would have put all these parables and teachings the order he did? What major themes is he trying to communicate to us in chapter 15-16?
- Mar 2, 2020“The Lost Parables” Part II
Mar 2, 2020“The Lost Parables” Part IIBy: Jordan MoodyLuke 15:11-32Hope Small Group QuestionsQ1: What part of the Prodigal Son story stands out to you after hearing this sermon? Explain.Q2: What do we learn about the heart of God from the Lost Parables of Luke 15? Be specific.Q3: The lost son had a moment when he "came to his senses." Leon Morris shares a quote in response that statement: "Hardship has a wonderful way of bringing people to face the facts:" Share a time in your life when this was true for you.Q4: In what ways are we like the elder brother in the story?Q5: Postulate what you think might have happened after Luke 15:32 both in the parable and outside of it. We don't know how the elder brother responded and we don't know what the crowds listening to Jesus may have thought or reacted. But what do you think happened?
- Feb 23, 2020“The Lost Parables” Part I
Feb 23, 2020“The Lost Parables” Part IBy: Jordan MoodyLuke 15:1-32Hope Small Group QuestionsQ1: As a group, look over Leviticus 11 and the Jewish ritual dietary laws for cleanliness and holiness. Now read the accusation from the Pharisees in Luke 15:1-2. Do you see why Jesus' table fellowship with "sinners" here is so scandalous?Q2: Now compare question 1 with Matthew 15:1-20? What is Jesus teaching them? (further study: Acts 10)Q3: Compare and contrast all three lost parables. What is similar and different about each one? Luke isn't just repeating the same exact thing three times in a row, so what do we progressively learn as we read through the parables? (Luke 15:1-32)Q4: The heart of the gospel is recognizing our position as lost without Christ. How does Romans 8:1-4 apply to the Lost Parables?
- Feb 16, 2020“Israel Tour Recap”
- Jan 27, 2020“20/20 Vision” Part III
Jan 27, 2020“20/20 Vision” Part IIIBy: Jordan MoodySeries: New Years 2020Romans 12Hope Small Group QuestionsQ1: Discuss prayer. What do you find challenging about it? Why do you not pray? What has helped you in your prayer life?Q2: "In Prayer ---> constantly." How does this help frame your prayers? Find P.R.A.Y framework to Nehemiah's prayer in Nehemiah 1:4-11> P. raise - "Hallowed be your name"> R. epent- "Forgive us our trespasses /debts"> "Give us this day our daily bread. Lead us not into temptation. Deliver us from evil.">Y.ield- "Your kingdom come, your will be done."Q3: "In need ---> Sharing." What is God teaching us today about corporate need, corporate sharing, and corporate sin in the accounts of Barnabas (Acts 4:36), Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:1-11) and Achan (Judges 7)?Q4: "In Hospitality ---> Pursuing." How can you actually "seek" and "pursue" hospitality in you group and home life? Be specific.
- Jan 12, 2020“20/20 Vision” Part II
- Jan 5, 2020“20/20 Vision” Part I
- Dec 29, 2019“Let’s Not Forget”
- Dec 22, 2019“King Forever, Ceasing Never”
- Dec 15, 2019“Let Earth Receive Her King”