Aug 14, 2022
“Paradigm Shift”
Series: (All)
  • Aug 14, 2022“Paradigm Shift”
    Aug 14, 2022
    “Paradigm Shift”
    Series: (All)
  • Jul 3, 2022“Thinking About Heaven”
    Jul 3, 2022
    “Thinking About Heaven”
    Series: Heaven
  • Jun 26, 2022“I Will Rise Again-Heaven and the Resurrection”
    Jun 26, 2022
    “I Will Rise Again-Heaven and the Resurrection”
    Series: Heaven
  • Jun 19, 2022“The Present Heaven”
    Jun 19, 2022
    “The Present Heaven”
    Series: Heaven
  • Jun 12, 2022“The New World”
    Jun 12, 2022
    “The New World”
    Series: Heaven
  • Jun 5, 2022“Heaven and the Three Earths”
    Jun 5, 2022
    “Heaven and the Three Earths”
    Series: Heaven
  • May 29, 2022“Children of The Day”
    May 29, 2022
    “Children of The Day”
    Series: Heaven
  • May 22, 2022“This Is My Prayer For You”
    May 22, 2022
    “This Is My Prayer For You”
    Series: Hebrews
    HEBREWS | Hebrews 13:20-25 This Is My Prayer For You May 22, 2022
    1. What have you learned and how have you grown through this series in Hebrews? (Advent to Easter) 
    2. What’s a benediction?
    3. Check through some of the NT letters and books to see which ones close with some sort of benediction? What sticks out to you from the different closings of the letters you found in the NT?
    4. What is justification and what is sanctification?
    5. What ways do you see justification in verse 20 and sanctification in verse 21?
  • May 15, 2022“Follow the Leaders”
    May 15, 2022
    “Follow the Leaders”
    Series: Hebrews
    HEBREWS | Hebrews 13:7-19 Follow the Leaders May 15, 2022
    1. Who has been a leader worth imitating in your life?
    2. “Remember, consider, imitate, obey, submit, and pray for” are all verbs used to describe the church’s relationship with their spiritual leaders/elders/pastors. Explain the context of each verb. What stands out to you from this?
    3. What does Hebrews 13:8 have to do with the passage, especially as it sits between verse 7 and verse 9?
    4.  What is the passage talking about when it references “outside the camp” and “outside the gate” several different times? Why then should we “go to him outside the camp?” (Ex. 29:14, Lev. 16:27, Heb. 13:11-14)
  • May 8, 2022“Love, Marriage and Money’
    May 8, 2022
    “Love, Marriage and Money’
    Series: Hebrews
    HEBREWS | Hebrews 13:1-6 Love, Marriage and Money May 8, 2022
    1. What are some ways which we can love the family of God? (Heb. 13:1)
    2. What are some ways we can love by showing hospitality? (Heb. 13:2)
    3. What are some ways we can love by showing empathy? (Heb. 13:3)
    4. How can we choose to honor marriage in our lives when the world seeks to tear it down? (Heb. 13:4)
    5. How can you practice trusting God and not loving money? The passage says keep your life free from the love of money and be content. So what is contentment? (Heb. 13:5-6; Phil. 4:11-13)
  • May 1, 2022“Speaks A Better Word”
    May 1, 2022
    “Speaks A Better Word”
    Series: Hebrews
    HEBREWS | Hebrews 12:18-29 Speaks A Better Word May 1, 2022
    1. Examine together as a group Exodus 19-20:18-21 to set the scene for Mount Sinai. What do you notice? What do you think it would have been like to witness the scene at Mount Sinai?
    2. Compare and contrast the two mountains Mount Sinai (Heb. 12:18-21) and Mount Zion (Heb. 12:22-24)
    3. What does the blood of Jesus mean for you compared to what the blood of Abel meant for you? (Heb. 12:24; Genesis 4:10) What is the better word?
    4. Describe the Kingdom of God. Why is this comforting to us today? (Heb. 12:27-29)
    5. We started with a “blazing fire” in 12:18 and now God is described in verse 29 as a “consuming fire,” why do you think that is? Consider this quote from Paul David Tripp: “The holiness of God should frighten you, while at the same time it should give you rest.” Why?
  • Apr 24, 2022“Don’t Give Up”
    Apr 24, 2022
    “Don’t Give Up”
    Series: Hebrews
    HEBREWS | Hebrews 12:3-17 Don’t Give Up April 24, 2022
    1. Describe the Christian life of faith from your own experience. Use the main ideas from Hebrews chapters 11-12 to frame our view of the Christian life. 
    2. What reasons do the preacher of Hebrews give us for not giving up the race of faith? 
    3. How does parenting and/or coaching help illustrate the discipline and training from the Lord? What lessons do we draw from this? (Hebrews 12:5-11) 
    4. Why do you think the preacher uses Esau as a bad example of running the race here? (Hebrews 12:15-17) 
    5. How does holiness fit into this discussion of running and the christian life? Heb. 12:10, 14)
    Have a great week! Josh Prather
  • Apr 17, 2022“Looking to Jesus”
    Apr 17, 2022
    “Looking to Jesus”
    Series: Hebrews
  • Apr 15, 2022“Do Not Shrink Back”
    Apr 15, 2022
    “Do Not Shrink Back”
    Series: Hebrews
  • Apr 10, 2022“Rejoice Greatly” – Palm Sunday
    Apr 10, 2022
    “Rejoice Greatly” – Palm Sunday
    Series: Hebrews
    HEBREWS | Hebrews 10:1-25; Matt. 21:1-11 Palm Sunday - Rejoice Greatly! April 10, 2022
    1. Why did Christ come into the world? (Heb. 10:5-7; John 3:16-19; John 12:46-47; John 18:37; 1 Tim. 1:15; Gal. 4:4-5)
    2. Why did Christ enter Jerusalem on Palm Sunday? What details about his triumphal entry speaks to his intentions and the nature of his coming?
    3. What cause do you have to rejoice greatly, shout Hosanna and celebrate Jesus this Palm Sunday? (Psalm 118:24-25)
    4. How can we spiritually open the gates of our hearts and lift our heads to receive our king who is coming to us? (Psalm 24:7-10)
  • Apr 3, 2022“Good Things to Come”
    Apr 3, 2022
    “Good Things to Come”
    Series: Hebrews
  • Mar 13, 2022“Better Covenant”
    Mar 13, 2022
    “Better Covenant”
    Series: Hebrews
    HEBREWS | Hebrews 8:1-13 A Better Covenant March 13, 2022
    1. What did you grow up using that has now become obsolete? What happened that made it obsolete?
    2. Hebrews 8:13 says the old covenant has become obsolete because the new has come. What specifically makes it obsolete? How has the new upgraded the old?
    3. Hebrews 8:6-12 is a quote from Jeremiah 31:31-34. What statement or phrase from this passage sticks out to you the most and why?
    4. Do we need the Old Testament or can we just focus on the New Testament and the new covenant? What do you think we can learn from the “copy and shadows of the heavenly things” when we examine and look back to the old covenant? (Heb. 8:5, Heb. 10:1)
    5. Skim over “the pattern” God gave to Moses (Exodus 25:40) to design and set up the tabernacle. What strikes you and stands out to you about the details of the tabernacle and its furnishings? (The pattern is given throughout chapters 24-40 of Exodus)
  • Mar 6, 2022“You Are Not Your Own”
    Mar 6, 2022
    “You Are Not Your Own”
    Series: (All)
    CHURCH | Ephesians 2:18-22 You Are Not Your Own March 6, 2022
    1. How do you talk about the church? What kind of assumptions do you think people make both correctly and incorrectly about the church today?
    2. What implications does the following catechism question have on our lives today?
    Q: What is our only hope in life and death? A: That we are not our own but belong, body and soul, both in life and death, to God and  to our Savior Jesus Christ.3. How do these statements frame the way we should think about church? (Examine a passage or two with you group)        —I gather to proclaim my belonging to God’s family  Gal 6:10 / Gal 4:4–7 / Rom 8:14–17 —I belong as a member of Christ’s body  Rom 12:3–8 / 1 Cor 12:12–13, 27 / Col 1:24–26. —I worship as a living stone in the Holy Spirit’s temple 1 Pet 2:4–6. / Eph. 2:18-22 / 1 Cor 3:8–9 
  • Feb 27, 2022“A Better Way”
    Feb 27, 2022
    “A Better Way”
    Series: Hebrews
    HEBREWS | Hebrews 7:18-28   A Better Way  February 27, 2022
    1. How is “relationship” one of the main ways to think of the entire story of the Bible? 
    2. Why is “drawing near” such a significant phrase? What comes to mind when we see “drawing near?” (Heb. 4:16; 7:19, 25) 
    3. In what ways is the covenant Jesus guarantees actually better? (Heb. 7:22) 
    4. How can we live everyday knowing Jesus did this “once for all.” (Heb. 7:27) How can believing this actually change our lives on a day to day basis? 
    5. If Jesus is your king, your high priest and your sacrifice. What does that leave for you to do? (Romans 12:1-2) 
  • Feb 20, 2022“Melchizedek and the Royal Priesthood”
    Feb 20, 2022
    “Melchizedek and the Royal Priesthood”
    Series: Hebrews
    HEBREWS | Hebrews 7:1-19   Melchizedek and the Royal Priesthood February 20, 2022
    1. Work together as a group to build a personal profile of Melchizedek. Who do you think he was? Where was he from? What does his name mean? What roles did he hold? What is his significance? Etc. (Genesis 14 and Hebrews 7)  
    2. What is the study of biblical “typology?” How is Melchizedek a “type” of Christ? 
    3. How does the preacher of Hebrews demonstrate in chapter 7 that the Levitical priesthood and law is inferior to the “better hope” we find in Jesus as our Royal Priest? (Heb. 7:19) 
    4. How does Romans 5:1-2 shed light on the themes we discussed so far from Hebrews? 
    5. Even though this chapter and concept of Melchizedek can be challenging to grasp, what have you drawn from this to apply to your spiritual life today?