Nov 24, 2019
“Faithful vs Unfaithful”
By: Jordan Moody
Luke 12:35-13:5
Hope Small Group Questions
Q1: In what ways, should our mindset and lifestyles change if we are to take Luke 12:40 seriously?!
Q2: How do you understand and apply the following statement to your life? "to whom much has been given much will be required." (Does the passage surrounding Luke 19:17 give context and added understanding to Luke 12:48?)
Q3: As a follower of the King and a citizen of his kingdom, what have you been entrusted with and will be required of you upon the King's return? See 2 Timothy 1:12-14. Why is this such a high responsibility with such grave consequences if we don't keep it?
Q4: Compare Jesus' message in Luke 12:49-53 and John the Baptist message in Luke 3:16-17. What is being said here?
- Nov 24, 2019“Faithful vs Unfaithful”
Nov 24, 2019“Faithful vs Unfaithful”By: Jordan MoodyLuke 12:35-13:5Hope Small Group QuestionsQ1: In what ways, should our mindset and lifestyles change if we are to take Luke 12:40 seriously?!Q2: How do you understand and apply the following statement to your life? "to whom much has been given much will be required." (Does the passage surrounding Luke 19:17 give context and added understanding to Luke 12:48?)Q3: As a follower of the King and a citizen of his kingdom, what have you been entrusted with and will be required of you upon the King's return? See 2 Timothy 1:12-14. Why is this such a high responsibility with such grave consequences if we don't keep it?Q4: Compare Jesus' message in Luke 12:49-53 and John the Baptist message in Luke 3:16-17. What is being said here?
- Nov 17, 2019“My Kingdom vs God’s Kingdom”
Nov 17, 2019“My Kingdom vs God’s Kingdom”By: Jordan MoodyLuke 12:13-34Hope Small Group QuestionsQ1: Discuss the two kingdoms. What are some of the blanks you filled in with contrasts to the two kingdoms?Q2: What differences stick out to you the mist between My kingdom and God's Kingdom?Q3: Why would Jesus warn us so heavily against, materialism?Q4: Why ultimately doe we worry? From Luke 12 and other scriptures, what reasons and illustrations does Jesus give us not to worry?Q5: How can our citizenship in God's Kingdom actually help us not to worry? What would our lives really look like if we were really to seek God's kingdom and and not our own?
- Nov 10, 2019“Default to Truth and Trust”
Nov 10, 2019“Default to Truth and Trust”By: Jordan MoodyLuke 12:1-12Q1: Describe a situation when you’ve misjudged someone’s intentions for the positive or negative. Why do you think we are inherently bad at determining if someone is telling the truth or telling a lie? Why can it be hard to really spot a hypocrite? Q2: Do you think we have a “default to truth” when it comes to relationships? Why do you think hypocrisy is so universally reprehensible to us? Q3: What are some areas where fear tends to get a hold on you? How can the reasons given in this passage and sermon encourage us to actually not fear? Q4: How is a default to truth and a default to trust connected? Or are they? Q5: What can we learn from Paul’s testimony and Peter’s life testimony that can give us context to this supposed unforgivable sin or line we must not cross? Check out Paul’s testimony in 1 Tim. 1:16 and Peter’s testimony Luke 22:31-34.
- Nov 3, 2019“Vision Changes Everything”
Nov 3, 2019“Vision Changes Everything”By: Jordan MoodyLuke 11:29-54HOPE SMALL GROUP QUESTIONSQ1: If "Vision changes everything," than how does our vision of the world, humanity and God shape our entire being? (healthy eye vs. bad eye; Luke 11:34)Q2: How can our vision of the world, humanity, and God shape our use or misuse of money? (Notice how Jesus specifically references greed, aims and tithing in Luke 11:40-42)Q3: Compare 1 Peter 2:9-12 and John 3:19-21 with the passage in Luke we discussed today? What do you learn from this?Q4: Which of the Woes Jesus pronounces onto the Pharisees and Lawyers do you think we have the most difficulty with today? Or what are our most obvious "blind spots?" (Luke 11:31-54; Six Woes: Legalism, Fame, Graves, Burdens, Hypocrisy, Hinderance)
- Oct 28, 2019“Fight Night: Jesus vs. Satan”
Oct 28, 2019“Fight Night: Jesus vs. Satan”By: Jordan MoodyLuke 11:14-28Hope Small Group QuestionsQ1: What are the three responses to Jesus' miracle of casting out the demon so surprising? Compare these responses to Jesus' miracle to the responses you find in Luke 11:29, John 12:37, Acts 17:32-34, What do we learn from this?Q2: Let's remind ourselves of the power of Jesus Christ against the powers of darkness. Spiritual forces are real but so is Jesus Christ. Check out: James 4:7, 1 John 4:4. Do you think these powers have anything to do with trials, addictions, and the evil we face?Q3: Read Ephesians 6:10-17. the armor of God to fight in spiritual warfare. Now read verse 18. What is the main way we fight the devil and his demons according to verse 18?Q4: Talk about Luke 11:24-26 and how does it help answer why a "total revolution" is needed in our lives? Why is putting off, renewing, and then putting on so vital? (Ephesians 4:22-24)
- Oct 20, 2019“Teach Me to Pray”
Oct 20, 2019“Teach Me to Pray”By: Jordan MoodyLuke 11:1-13Hope Small Group QuestionsQ1: What I the most challenging or difficult paper of prayer for you?Q2: Review the pattern of prayer, the Lord's Prayer. How can we employ this as a pattern into our daily prayers?Q3: How does the story of the persistent and impudent friend knocking on the door of his neighbor give us insight into what prayer could feel like for us? What is Jesus teaching us in this parable?Q4: Follow the progression of the storyline, lesser to greater: Friend and neighbor relationship, earthly father and earthly son relationship. (11:5-13) What can we glean from this?Spend extra time in prayer as a group or break up into smaller groups and pray.
- Oct 13, 2019“Sit Down to Bear Fruit”
Oct 13, 2019“Sit Down to Bear Fruit”By: Jordan MoodyLuke 10:38-42, John 15HOPE SMALL GROUP QUESTIONSQ1: Do you feel or believe that the anxiety and mental health issues are more prevalent in today's society than it was in the past? Explain why or why not.Q2: What do you think are the main issues and cause of our anxiety and our worry? (outside of medical issues) What was Martha's main issue?Q3: Is Mary "all right" and Martha "all wrong"? Or is it deeper than that? Explain. Look at how Jesus responds to Martha...Q4: What does it mean to abide? How could abiding in the vine actually help remedy our anxiety and our "Martha" mentality of doing or performing? (John 15)Q5: Discuss John 15:2. What does it look like to be pruned? Why might this not actually feel like a means to bear more fruit? Have you experienced this? How could Martha Prune back herself in order to bear more fruit?Extra: Why is the title "Sit Down to Bear Fruit"? What does this mean to you?
- Oct 6, 2019“Like a Good Neighbor”
Oct 6, 2019“Like a Good Neighbor”By: Jordan MoodyLuke 10:21-37Hope Small Group QuestionsQ1: What do you think "Loving your neighbor as yourself" means?Q2: What is then motive of the lawyer asking the questions? Review the conversation he has with Jesus.Q3: Why do you think Jesus uses a story/parable to answer the lawyer questions? (See Luke 8:9-10 and Luke 10:21)Q4: What does the story of the Good Samaritan expose in the hearts of the questioner? What's Jesus intent in telling the story?Q5: Talk about how we tend to only moralize the story of the Good Samaritan? Talk about what Jesus' endgame is with telling this story and in asking the questions he does at the end?Q6: How do we try to justify our self-righteousness apart from Christ? How do other religions do this? (Luke 10:29)
- Sep 29, 2019“Kingdom Come or Kingdom Go”
Sep 29, 2019“Kingdom Come or Kingdom Go”By: Jordan MoodyScripture Passages: Luke 9:51-10:24, Isaiah 52:3-17Hope Small Group QuestionsQ1: Do you commit today to be open, honest, andloving with one another in your group? What does thismean to you and why would this be important for truecommunity to exist in your groupQ2: What is the kingdom of God? Why would it beimportant we understand the kingdom of God?Q3: Why could it be challenging for us today in ourmodern society to grasp the concept of a “kingdom”and someone ruling and reigning like Jesus proclaims tous?Q4: Examine the three rejected disciples who did notfollow Jesus in Luke 9:57-62. What were their excusesand what can we learn from these scenarios in our ownlives?Q5: Read Luke 9:2. What does it mean for your group?Q6: Now pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest tosend out laborers into his harvest. – Luke 9:2
- Sep 22, 2019Dan Baumann: Testimony
Sep 22, 2019Dan Baumann: TestimonyBy: Dan BaumannSeries: Guest SpeakerDan Was locked up in Iran and beaten. His future seemed bleak but God remained faithful. Listen to his story here.HOPE SMALL GROUP QUESTIONSQ1: Do you commit today to be open, honest, and loving with one another in your group? What does this mean to you and why would this be important for true community to exist in your group?Q2: What challenged you the most from Dan Baumann's message and testimony? Discuss.Q3: What stuck out to you from the "Elephant in the Church" series we did this summer? Discuss.Q4: Spend special time dedicated to praying for the advance of the gospel and for our missionaries, and for the persecuted Christians around the globe. (Luke 10:1-3)Q5: Spend focused time sharing burdens and prayer requests you may have with one another.
- Sep 15, 2019“Holy Spirit, I don’t get it?”
Sep 15, 2019“Holy Spirit, I don’t get it?”By: Jordan MoodySeries: The Elephant in the ChurchActs 1:8, Matt. 28:19-20
- Sep 8, 2019“Sexuality: Why so Confusing?” Part III
Sep 8, 2019“Sexuality: Why so Confusing?” Part IIIBy: Jordan MoodySeries: The Elephant in the ChurchGenesis 1:26-27
- Sep 1, 2019“Sexuality: Why so Confusing?” Part II
Sep 1, 2019“Sexuality: Why so Confusing?” Part IIBy: Jordan MoodySeries: The Elephant in the Church1Cor. 6:12-20
- Aug 25, 2019“Sexuality: Why so Confusing?” Part I
Aug 25, 2019“Sexuality: Why so Confusing?” Part IBy: Jordan MoodySeries: The Elephant in the Church1 Corinthians 6:9-11
- Aug 18, 2019“Marriage: What’s the Point?” Part 2
Aug 18, 2019“Marriage: What’s the Point?” Part 2By: Jordan MoodySeries: The Elephant in the Church1 Corinthians 7, Ephesians 5, 1 Peter 3
- Aug 11, 2019“Marriage: What’s the Point?” Part 1
- Aug 4, 2019“The Church: Is It Worth It? Part II
Aug 4, 2019“The Church: Is It Worth It? Part IIBy: Jordan MoodySeries: The Elephant in the ChurchScripture passages: Matt 16:18, 1 Pet. 2:1-10, Acts 2:42
- Jul 28, 2019“The Church: Is It Worth It?” Part I
Jul 28, 2019“The Church: Is It Worth It?” Part IBy: Jordan MoodySeries: The Elephant in the ChurchActs 20:14-38
- Jul 21, 2019“The Bible Can It Be Trusted?” Part II
Jul 21, 2019“The Bible Can It Be Trusted?” Part IIBy: Jordan MoodySeries: The Elephant in the ChurchPsalm 119: 1-88
- Jul 14, 2019“The Bible, Can It Be Trusted?” Part I
Jul 14, 2019“The Bible, Can It Be Trusted?” Part IBy: Jordan MoodySeries: The Elephant in the Church2 Timothy 3:16-17